

In this lesson, students will use various primary source excerpts from the writings of Cabeza de Vaca and Francisco Vazquez de Coronado to analyze and compare different points of view related to Spanish interactions with American Indians in Texas and the broader American Southwest. Students will use context to determine the author’s meaning and assess the sources for bias.


This lesson will take approximately 45 to 60 minutes. Exact times may vary based on the specific needs of individual classes.

This lesson can be omitted without missing any required content or standards.


  1. What significant events occurred in the expeditions of Cabeza de Vaca and Francisco Vazquez de Coronado?
  2. How were these events described by the people who recorded them?

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Age of Contact: The Search for Gold – Voices of Texas History Extension Lesson by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license .


The page was updated on 10/28/2024.


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