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In this lesson, students will be able to identify specific examples of Spanish and American Indian influence on the geography of Texas today. These examples include the names of human and geographic features of Texas. Students will be able to identify the diverse cultural origins of the location names.
This lesson will take approximately 45 to 60 minutes. Exact times may vary based on the specific needs of individual classes.
- What evidence can we see today of Spanish or American Indian culture and influence on Texas geography?
Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used
Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included.
This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson.
It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading, taking notes, and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket.
Student Activities
Warm-up and Exit Ticket
In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will observe a map displaying specific significant natural and human features of Texas. Based on the map they will make a claim about Spanish or American Indian cultural influence they see based on the map.
This introduces the concept of connections between Spanish and Indigenous culture and contemporary geographic locations in Texas.
In this exit ticket, students will answer a question identifying two statements that provide the most accurate examples of the influence of Spanish and American Indian culture on Texas geography today.
The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit ticket on the back.
Grade Level Work
In this printable worksheet assignment, students will read five short passages about six Texas locations including El Paso, the Llano Estacado, the Palo Duro Canyon, the Rio Grande, Waxahachie, and Nacogdoches. Using the information in each reading and relative and absolute location, students will label a map of Texas.
Grade Level work involves writing three significant facts about each location on their labeled map.
Foundation Work
Foundations level work modifies grade level activities and involves labeling their map using multiple-choice options for each location to reduce the amount of writing.
Advanced Work
Advanced level work expands on grade level activities and involves writing three significant facts about each location on their labeled map, and answering three comprehension questions
Previews and links to sources referenced in this lesson.
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