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In this two-day lesson, students will be able to identify, define, and provide an example for key terms related to the unit. Students will read passages to summarize the significance of each term and use the context to determine its meaning. Students will recognize major themes within the unit. There is an additional, optional vocabulary quiz that can be used to assess student mastery of the material.
This lesson will take approximately 90 minutes with an optional additional 30-to-45-minute vocabulary quiz. Exact times may vary based on the specific needs of individual classes.
What key words and phrases do we need to know within the context of our unit to be successful?
Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used
Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. A list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included.
This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson.
It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket.
Student Activities
Warm-up and Exit Ticket
In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will make a brief list of the topics and themes within the unit that have been discussed in class so far. Using their list, students will think of vocabulary terms they could see in the unit.
This will prepare students to identify vocabulary terms within the context of the unit and give them an opportunity to connect previous material to prior knowledge that relates to the unit content.
In this exit ticket, students will choose which best connect to unit content from a word bank of social studies terms.
The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit ticket on the back.
Student Work: Grade Level
In this printable worksheet assignment, students will read short passages about the unit 2 vocabulary terms to identify, define, exemplify, and create a visual representation of each term on their vocabulary chart. This lesson typically takes 2 class periods.
Grade Level work includes definitions, examples, and an image of each term.
Student Work: Foundations
Foundations level work includes 4 multiple choice options for students to choose from for the definition for each term, and an image for each term.
Student Work: Advanced
Advanced level work includes definitions, examples, antonyms, an image, and writing a complete sentence of each term.
Vocabulary Quiz: Grade Level
In this printable assignment, students will assess their knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary terms within the context of the unit through matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer responses.
Vocabulary Quiz: Foundations
In this printable assignment, students will assess their knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary terms within the context of the unit through matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer responses.
Vocabulary Quiz: Advanced
In this printable assignment, students will assess their knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary terms within the context of the unit through matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer responses.
Previews and links to sources referenced in this lesson.
- El almirante Christoval Colon descubre la Isla Españ̃ola, ij haze poner una Cruz, etc. / P. B. Bouttats fec., Aqua forti. Hispaniola, 1728.
- Gibbs, George. De Soto and Vitachuco.
- Discovery of the Mississippi: By Ferdinand De Soto, and his followers, May 1541. 1876.
- Artwork depicting a statue of Hernan Cortes. Antología nacional; libro de lectura arreglado" published in 1906. This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and áreas where the copyright ter mis the author’s life plus 70 years or fewer.
- Retrato del virrey José Antonio de Mendoza Caamaño y Sotomayor, Marqués de Villagarcía (1667-1746).
Sugarcane at Whitney Plantation.
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