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In this lesson, students will be introduced to a chronological overview of the major events, people, themes, and concepts that are central to this unit. Students will be able to identify and explain cause and effect connections between events including the Reconquista, Columbus’ arrival in America, Spanish acquisition of gold and resources, and Spain’s lack of success locating these items in Texas.
This lesson will take approximately 45 minutes if completed in groups or 90 minutes if completed by students individually. Suggestions for each included in the Lesson Plan. Exact times may vary based on the specific needs of individual classes.
- What is the cause-and-effect relationship between the most significant chronological events of Unit 2: Age of Contact?
Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used
Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included.
This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson.
It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket.
Grade Level Readings
Readings for use with Grade Level Worksheets.
Foundations Readings
Readings for use with Foundations Worksheets.
Advanced Readings
Readings for use with Advanced Worksheets.
Student Activities
Warm-up and Exit Ticket
In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will make a prediction about where they think the Spanish are likely to have the most success acquiring gold in the Americas based on a map with several labeled locations provided.
This will help set the context for the lesson, specifically in regard to the issue of Spain’s search for gold and riches in the new world.
In this exit ticket, students will place events from the readings in the correct chronological order by numbering items in a list.
The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit ticket on the back.
Grade Level Student Worksheet
In this printable assignment, students will read a set of 6 short passages presenting chronological information regarding the Age of Contact. Students will record each event or topic from the readings on their timeline activity worksheet. They will determine the most important events from the reading passage and summarize the significance of the event or events. Students will make an assertion what the most significant changes were that occurred as a result of the Age of Contact.
Grade Level work involves a combination of short, constructed responses and multiple- choice responses from choices provided for summarizing the significance of each passage. Students write what they determine to be the three most significant changes brought about by the Age of Contact.
Foundation Student Worksheet
Foundations level work involves multiple-choice answer options to demonstrate knowledge of the most important events and significance of each reading. Students choose three out of 4 options for the most important changes brought about as a result of the Age of Contact. *Foundations level work also provides an additional, optional set of readings presented at a less rigorous literacy level, and provides reading supports throughout the passages, including bold and underlined information.
Advanced Student Worksheet
Advanced level work involves short, constructed response summaries of the readings to complete the elements of the timeline, including the key events and significance of each event. Students write what they determine to be the five most significant changes brought about by the Age of Contact. Students answer three comprehension questions based on the new 8th grade STAAR item types.
Previews and links to sources referenced in this lesson.
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