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This unit is a thirteen-day study of the Spanish Colonial Era. There are three additional review lessons to prepare students for testing. Suggested pacing minutes are based on the average time it will take a class to complete each lesson; however, as the educator, use your best judgement based on the average pace of your class learning needs and styles.


Era Overview

During the Spanish Colonial Era (1690-1820), Spain made numerous attempts to settle and control Texas. But the major challenge that Spain never overcame was that various American Indian tribes remained the dominant forces controlling the regions that would eventually become Texas.

Beginning in the 1690s, Spaniards attempted to control Texas by establishing numerous missions throughout the region. The goal of these missions was to instruct local native peoples on Spanish civilization and, in the process, transform them into loyal Spanish subjects. Yet these missions never succeeded because they failed to attract Indians (since virtually none wanted to adapt themselves to Spanish culture) and Spanish authorities in Mexico City put few resources into supporting these far-flung missions. Spain, as a result, never secured a strong presence in Texas and began abandoning the region’s mission system during the 1790s.

By the early 1800s, the Comanches and Apaches of the Texas Plains and the Caddos of East Texas controlled far more of the region than did the Spanish.

When the Mexican War for Independence broke out in 1810, the violence and bloodshed that followed further weakened the already anemic Spanish presence within Texas. When Comanches and Apaches responded by increasing their raiding of San Antonio during the 1810s, Spain’s presence in Texas careened toward the edge of total collapse. By late 1820, the situation had become so dire that the Spa

Unit Level Downloads (English)

  • Unit Plan Unit Plan MS Word Unit Plan Adobe PDF

    Downloadable/Editable versions of the English language unit plan. Provides an Era Overview and pacing, and outlines each lesson’s estimated completion time, essential questions, a description of each lesson, and student learning experiences and activities.


Most lessons contain downloadable and printable documents, activities, and other resources to aid in classroom instruction. Lesson materials are available in multiple formats and typically contain variations based on learning needs.

The Big Picture

A one-day lesson presenting the major themes of the unit with an image, a reading, and questions.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will make a prediction about where they think the Spanish are likely to have the most success acquiring gold in the Americas based on a map with several labeled locations provided. This will help set the context for the lesson, specifically in regard to the issue of Spain’s search for gold and riches in the new world. In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will consider how American Indians in Texas might have responded to a series of four hypothetical situations related to the Spanish arriving in Texas. Students will record their responses on their warm-up. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit ticet on the back. Grade Level Work In this printable assignment, students will use a primary source image to make inferences and predictions about the material to be covered in the unit. Students will read a passage introducing the major themes of the unit. Students will use the context clues of the reading to match new key terms with their most accurate definition, and answer comprehension questions about the main ideas of the unit. Grade Level work involves a reading passage with grade-level phrasing and terminology. The work includes writing supports such as sentence stems for the short, constructed response questions. Foundation Work Foundations level work involves a reading passage with grade-level phrasing and terminology. The work includes supports such as sentence stems and multiple-choice answer options for completing the short, constructed response questions. Advanced Work Advanced level involves more writing and an advanced level of reading with more challenging phrasing and terminology. The work includes short, constructed response questions.
Unit Plan # 1 45-90 min untlbs people ethnic groups american indians 710A 720B 720C 720E 722A 722B

How do we know what we know?

In this one-day lesson, students examine primary source materials related to the Spanish Colonial Era.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Primary Source Cards (For Use with worksheets) Recommend printing either one set of primary source cards per student or one set per partner group. Excerpts need to be cut into individual cards before the lesson. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will will examine a painting representing the attack on the San Sabá mission. Students will record their observations and make inferences about the mission system based on the image. In this exit ticket, students will take a second look at the image from the warm-up and answer questions related to the point of view of the image. They consider how the image might be presented differently from a different point of view. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit Grade Level Student Worksheet In this printable assignment, students will read a passage reviewing the major themes of Unit 3, the Spanish Colonial Era and discussing various types of primary source materials that we use to study the era today. The passage introduces students to the San Saba mission, which will be the focal point of the primary source materials in the lesson. Students will examine excerpts from various points of view of the attack on the San Saba mission and answer questions regarding the author’s point of view and possible bias. Students will make conclusions and inferences about the events that took place at the mission based on textual evidence. **Grade Level** work involves an introductory reading passage with target level vocabulary and moderate phrasing; students must justify their answer to the reading guide using the reading passage; True and False, multiple-choice, and short-constructed response questions with each excerpt; Multiple choice questions and short constructed response questions with sentence stem supports in the Analyze and Infer portion. Foundation Student Worksheet **Foundations level** work involves an introductory reading passage with less challenging vocabulary and shortened phrasing; True and False, multiple-choice, and short-constructed response questions with each excerpt; Multiple choice questions with one answer choice eliminated and short constructed response questions with sentence stem supports and multiple-choice options in the Analyze and Infer portion. The reading passages for the grade level and foundations level work is the same. Advanced Student Worksheet **Advanced level** work involves an introductory reading passage with more challenging vocabulary and phrasing; students must justify their answer to the reading guide using the reading passage; short, constructed response questions with each excerpt and in the Analyze and Infer portion of work.
Unit Plan # 2 45-60 min untlbs people ethnic groups american indians keywrd people soldiers keywrd people missionaries 710A 720A 720B 720C 720D 720E 720F 722A 722B


This two-day lesson presents unit vocabulary in short readings that provide the terms in the context of significant information from the unit. Students use the readings to complete vocabulary charts and take a vocabulary quiz.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will predict the types of terms they expect to see in this unit based on the major themes identified in previous lessons. In this exit ticket, students will identify key words and phrases related to the vocabulary terms from the unit. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit ticket on the back. Grade Level Work In this printable assignment, students will read short passages using the unit vocabulary in context. They will provide a definition, an example from the reading, and a visual representation of the term in their vocabulary chart. Foundation Work In this printable assignment, students will read short passages using the unit vocabulary in context. They will choose from multiple choice options to identify the correct definition for the term and create a visual representation of the term. Advanced Work In this printable assignment, students will read short passages using the unit vocabulary in context. They will provide a definition, an example from the reading, an antonym, a visual representation of the term, and use it in a complete sentence. Optional Grade Level Vocabulary Quiz In this printable assignment, students will assess their knowledge of the unit vocabulary by answering matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions with sentence stems provided. Optional Foundation Vocabulary Quiz In this printable assignment, students will assess their knowledge of the unit vocabulary by completing a matching portion with 3 answer choices provided, fill-in-the-blank with multiple choice blank options, and short constructed response questions with sentence stems and response options provided. Optional Advanced Vocabulary Quiz In this printable assignment, students will assess their knowledge of the unit vocabulary by answering matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions.
Unit Plan # 3 90-120 min none 71A 71B 720B 722A 722B 722C

What’s the Story?

This lesson presents chronological overview of the major events and themes of Unit 3: The Spanish Colonial Era. Students complete a timeline of the significance of each event and answer comprehension questions about the major themes.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will predict the cause-and-effect relationship between three events that will be covered in the day’s lesson. In this exit ticket, students will answer a multiple-choice question identifying the most accurate summary of the defining characteristics of the Spanish Colonial Era. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit ticet on the back. Grade Level Work In this printable assignment, students will read seven short passages related to significant events of the Spanish Colonial Era. They will identify and write two-to-three key components of each event and choose from options provided for the most accurate description of the significance of each topic. Students write a short-constructed response detailing two significant changes that occurred as a result of events of the era in the “Significance of the Spanish Colonial Era” Segment. Students then answer comprehension questions based on a primary source excerpt and new item types for the 8th grade social studies STAAR test including Hot Spot and Short Constructed Response. Foundation Work In this printable assignment, students will read seven short passages related to significant events of the Spanish Colonial Era. Key information appears in bold for reading supports. They will identify two significant components of each event from three possible options. The significance of each event is provided. Students identify 4 out of 6 significant changes brought about during the Spanish Colonial Era from a list. Students then answer comprehension questions based on a primary source excerpt and new item types for the 8th grade social studies STAAR test including Hot Spot and Short Constructed Response. Supports included eliminated answer choices and less writing. Advanced Work In this printable assignment, students will read seven short passages related to significant events of the Spanish Colonial Era. Advanced readings contain more challenging vocabulary and phrasing. They will identify and write two-to-three key components of each event and summarize the significance of each event. Students write a short-constructed response detailing three significant changes that occurred as a result of events of the era in the “Significance of the Spanish Colonial Era” Segment. Students then answer comprehension questions based on a primary source excerpt and new item types for the 8th grade social studies STAAR test including Hot Spot,Multiselect, and Short Constructed Response. Grade Level Readings This printable material includes 7 short reading passages at grade level that present a chronological view of significant events of the Spanish Colonial Era. Foundations Readings This printable material includes 7 grade level readings that present a chronological view of significant events of the Spanish Colonial Era. Foundations readings include significant information in bold as reading supports. Advanced Readings This printable material includes 7 readings that present a chronological view of significant events of the Spanish Colonial Era. Advanced readings contain more challenging vocabulary and phrasing.
Unit Plan # 4 45-60 min none 710A 720B 720C 722A

The Mission Presidio System

This one-day lesson explains what the Mission Presidio System was and why Spain established the system in Texas. It summarizes the significance of the first missions in east Texas and the founding of San Antonio.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will determine where they would establish the first mission in Texas using a map of Texas and its surrounding areas with the contemporary political boundaries. Students will provide a justification for their choice. In this exit ticket, students are given a scenario in which they are missionaries in east Texas who have received a text message from the governor asking how things are going in east Texas. They respond to the governor. They provide what they believe the governor would say in response to them. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit ticket on the back. Grade Level Student Guided Notes In this printable assignment, students will write notes in their guided notes chart. They will provide a short answer response for the essential question for each reading using sentence stems to guide their responses. Students will answer two comprehension questions by using sentence stems to provide short, constructed responses based on information from the readings. Foundation Student Guided Notes In this printable assignment, students will fill in the blanks in their guided notes chart based on the information from each slide. They will choose from multiple-choice options to complete the essential questions for each reading. Students will answer two comprehension questions by choosing the best answer from multiple-choice options. Advanced Student Guided Notes In this printable assignment, students will write the notes in their guided notes chart. They will provide a short answer response for the essential questions for each reading. Students will answer two comprehension questions by providing short, constructed responses based on information from the readings.
Unit Plan # 5 45-60 min none 72C 720B

Texas Missions

In this three-day lesson, students research and create a presentation for one of seven key Texas missions based on reading passages.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will respond to three prompts asking what they already know about the missions, what problems and challenges face the missions, and what questions they still have about the missions. In this exit ticket, students will respond to two prompts asking for one challenge and one achievement at the missions that they learned about in the day’s lesson. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit Student Group Presentation Slideshow This slideshow provides a template for students to organize their research and information about their group’s mission. Groups will present their mission using this slideshow. Grade Level Readings This printable material includes readings on each of the seven missions covered in this lesson presenting information on key people, places, tribes, events, and the significance of each mission. Foundation Readings This printable material includes readings on each of the seven missions covered in this lesson presenting information on key people, places, tribes, events, and the significance of each mission. These readings include literacy supports such as bold key words and highlighted information. Advanced Readings This printable material includes readings on each of the seven missions covered in this lesson presenting information on key people, places, tribes, events, and the significance of each mission. These readings contain more challenging phrasing and academic vocabulary. Grade Level Worksheet In this printable assignment, students will label a map of Texas missions, and record information from the readings about specific goals, people, challenges, achievements, and the outcome of each mission. Key information is included in each chart to provide note-taking assistance. Foundation Worksheet In this printable assignment, students will label a map of Texas missions using a word bank, and record information from the readings about specific goals, people, challenges, achievements, and the outcome of each mission. Key information and answer options are included in each chart to provide note-taking assistance Advanced Worksheet In this printable assignment, students will label a map of Texas missions, and record information from the readings about specific goals, people, challenges, achievements, and the outcome of each mission.
Unit Plan # 6 135-180 min none 71B 72C 718C 720B 720E 722A 722B 722C

Mexican Independence and the Filibusters

A one-day lesson outlining the causes of the war for Mexican Independence, the key events and people including the filibusters in Texas, and the war’s outcome.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will make predictions about why the people of New Spain might have wanted to fight the War for Mexican Independence, which groups were likely fighting, who might have been their allies, what the likely result of the war was. In this exit ticket, students will identify the two most significant effects of the war out of a list of five options. This is based on the multi-select item type from the new 8th grade Social Studies STAAR test. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit Grade Level Work In this printable assignment, students will read short passages outlining and providing an explanation for the events that caused the war, the significant events of the war, and the effect of the war. Grade level work includes matching academic vocabulary, multiple-choice questions and short answer questions with sentence stems to guide responses. Foundation Work In this printable assignment, students will read short passages outlining and providing an explanation for the events that caused the war, the significant events of the war, and the effect of the war. Foundations work includes matching academic vocabulary with two items pre-completed, multiple-choice questions with one answer eliminated, and short answer questions with sentence stems and answer options to guide responses. Advanced Work In this printable assignment, students will read short passages outlining and providing an explanation for the events that caused the war, the significant events of the war, and the effect of the war. Advanced work includes short, constructed response questions.
Unit Plan # 7 45-60 min none 71B 72D 720B 720D

Texas Today

This one-day lesson examines eight contemporary elements of Texas culture that originated during the Spanish Colonial Era.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will make a list of anything they recognize as being popular or common in Texas society today. Students will then consider if any might be related to the Spanish Colonial Era and provide a suggestion of how they might be related. In this exit ticket, students will fill in the blanks in a paragraph that explains and summarizes four of the items from the lesson. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit ticket on the back. Flashcards This printable material is a one-page, front-and-back set of flashcards that provide the title of one element of contemporary Texas culture, an image of the element, and a description of its origins in the Spanish Colonial Era. Grade Level Work In this printable assignment, students will examine and record information on 4 of the 8 flashcards and answer short, constructed response questions with sentence stems provided assessing their prior and newly acquired knowledge. Foundation Work In this printable assignment, students will examine and record information on 3 of the 8 flashcards with word banks provided to assist in recording information on their chart. They answer short, constructed response questions with sentence stems and word banks provided assessing their prior and newly acquired knowledge. Advanced Work In this printable assignment, students will examine and record information on 6 of the 8 flashcards and answer short, constructed response questions assessing their prior and newly acquired knowledge.
Unit Plan # 8 45 min untlbs people ethnic groups american indians keywrd people ethnic groups hispanics tejanos 718C 720B 722B 722C

Looking Ahead

In this one-day lesson, students examine primary source excerpts from a newspaper, letters, and a government report to analyze the challenges facing Mexico in 1821, including specifically its weak position in Texas.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will read an excerpt from a San Antonio newspaper in 1813 to draw conclusions and make inferences about life in San Antonio during the War for Mexican Independence. In this exit ticket, students will choose from three possible options that the Spanish government could make regarding how to address the challenges posed by Texas’ weak position in the country. Students justify their answer by explaining why Spain might make that choice. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit Grade Level Work In this printable assignment, students will read primary source passages that have been divided into individual segments and answer 1 – 3 short, constructed response and multiple-choice questions about the excerpts. Foundation Work In this printable assignment, students will read primary source passes that have been divided into individual segments and present significant information in bold lettering. Students answer 1- 3 multiple-choice questions or short, constructed response questions with sentence stems and answer options provided. Advanced Work In this printable assignment, students will read longer primary source passages and answer 2 – 5 short, constructed response questions for each excerpt.
Unit Plan # 9 45-60 min keywrd people ethnic groups hispanics tejanos 71A 720A 720B 720D 720E 723B

Study Guide Review

A one-day lesson to review key components of the Spanish Colonial Era unit including major themes and significant people, places, and events.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Flash Cards This printable review material contains flashcards that can be printed and cut out. Students match the cards with the key term with the correct definition or explanation card. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will identify topics relevant to the unit that they might see on the test from a list of various social studies topics. In this exit ticket, students will answer self-assessment questions about their understanding of the material and what steps they can take next to better prepare themselves for the test. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit Grade Level Work In this printable assignment, students will match key terms with their significance, identify cause-and-effect relationships, answer multiple-choice questions and one short, constructed response with sentence stems to guide student answers. Foundation Work In this printable assignment, students will match key terms with their significance (reduced answer options are provided), identify cause-and-effect relationships (some answers are provided) , answer multiple-choice questions with one answer choice eliminated, and one short, constructed response with sentence stems and response options to guide student answers. Advanced Work In this printable assignment, students will match key terms to their significance, identify cause-and-effect relationships, answer multiple-choice questions and two short, constructed responses.
Unit Plan # 10 45-60 min none 71A 71B 72C 720A 720B

Review Mind Map

In this one-day lesson students will make connections between key topics covered in the unit by creating a mind map using sets of terms.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Warm-up and Exit Ticket In this printable warm-up / bell-ringer activity, students will complete a graphic organizer of a small Mind Map using a word bank of terms that they will place where they believe they fit best. In this exit ticket, students will complete a sentence summarizing the main idea of this unit. They will choose the best answer from multiple choice options for each blank to complete the sentence. The Warm-up and Exit Ticket document includes two warm-ups on the front of the page and two exit tickets on the back of the page. This formatting reduces the number of copies needed, as teachers will cut each printed page in half. Each student will receive a half-page with the warm-up on the front and the exit
Unit Plan # 11 45-60 min 71A 71B 72C 72D 720B 720C 720E 722C

Review Bingo Game

This one-day review lesson provides students with an opportunity to review key terms in a fun and engaging game of Bingo.

Lesson Plan, Teacher Guide, Primary Sources Used Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan, including a step-by-step guide through the lesson. When applicable, a list of primary sources used in the lesson is also included. Slideshow This ready-to-use classroom slideshow contains the warm-up exercise, the daily objective, the “We will / I will” statements, and the essential question for the lesson. It guides the class through the assignment providing larger versions of images, visual representations of the directions, and supports for reading and answering questions including sentence stems for in-class responses. It concludes with the exit ticket. Clue Sheet This material provides a list of all of the terms that students can include on their Bingo card. Each term has three clues the teacher can read to the class when playing multiple rounds of Bingo. Bingo Game Card This is a printable Bingo game card that students fill in with terms from the unit.
Unit Plan # 12 45-60 min 71A 71B 72D 720B 720C 720E 722C


We've assembled the following list of maps that are applicable to the Spanish Colonial Unit.

L'Amerique meridionale et septentrionale : dressée selon les dernieres relations et suivant les nouvelles decouvertes dont les points principaux sont placez sur les observations de Mss. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences

L'Amerique meridionale et septentrionale : dressée selon les dernieres relations et suivant les nouvelles decouvertes dont les points principaux sont placez sur les observations de Mss. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences

Map shows late seventeenth century geography, cities, political borders, and points of interest in North America, South America, and parts of England and France.

Idea naturalis Americae Borealis digito dei formata geographice proposita an MDCC

Idea naturalis Americae Borealis digito dei formata geographice proposita an MDCC

"Map shows southern and eastern portions of North America, Central America, the northeast coast of South America, the Caribbean islands, and California (depicted as an island)."

Le vieux Mexique, ou, Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la Floride : faisant-partic de l'Amerique septentrionale / par N. de Fer.

Le vieux Mexique, ou, Nouvelle Espagne avec les costes de la Floride : faisant-partic de l'Amerique septentrionale / par N. de Fer.

"Relief shown pictorially. Hand colored. Paris : Chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du Palais sur le quay de l'Orloge a la sphere royale avec privil du roy, 1702."

Théâtre de la guerre en Amerique telle qu'elle est à present possedée par les Espagnols

Théâtre de la guerre en Amerique telle qu'elle est à present possedée par les Espagnols

"Map shows the route of the Spanish fleet between Veracruz and Havana; possessions of Spain, England, France and Holland; boundaries, cities, settlements, islands and coastlines for the Gulf of Mexico."

North America: corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London, and the Royal Academy at Paris

North America: corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London, and the Royal Academy at Paris

"Map shows major settlements, areas of Native American habitation, and political divisions for the known extent of the continent of North America as far as the headwaters of the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes; Florida, Mexico, New Spain, islands of the West Indies, New Mexico, Greenland, New France, and New Britain; northwestern portions as 'incognita,' with a series of lakes and a 'lake of salt,' and lands of the nations of 'Mozeemlecks' and 'Gnacsitares.'"

A map of Mexico or New Spain, Florida now called Louisiana and part of California &c.

A map of Mexico or New Spain, Florida now called Louisiana and part of California &c.

"Map shows settlements, areas of Native American habitation, and notable physical features from the lower portion of North America to the northwestern corner of South America."

Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des terres anglaises et des Isles Antilles, du cours et des environs de la riviere de Mississippi

Carte du Mexique et de la Floride des terres anglaises et des Isles Antilles, du cours et des environs de la riviere de Mississippi

"Map shows cities, towns, and geographical features of Mexico, the West Indies, and Florida as known during the early eighteenth century."

Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne suivant les nouvelles observations de messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc.

Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne suivant les nouvelles observations de messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, etc.

"Map shows the provinces of New Spain and major towns, the Yucatan peninsula, and upper Central America."

Mappa geographica complectens, I. Indiae occidentalem, II. Isthmum Panamensem, III. Ichnographiam præcipuorum locorum & portuum ad has terras pertinentium : Desumta omnia ex Historia Insulæ S. Dominici & pro præsenti statu belli, quod est 1740 inter Anglos & Hispanos exortum

Mappa geographica complectens, I. Indiae occidentalem, II. Isthmum Panamensem, III. Ichnographiam præcipuorum locorum & portuum ad has terras pertinentium : Desumta omnia ex Historia Insulæ S. Dominici & pro præsenti statu belli, quod est 1740 inter Anglos & Hispanos exortum

"Map shows European possessions, cities, settlements, and notable physical features; fortification, streets, buildings, and harbor layout for cities in mid-eighteenth century Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies."

North America : performed under the patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, First Prince of the Blood [Sheet 4]

North America : performed under the patronage of Louis Duke of Orleans, First Prince of the Blood [Sheet 4]

"Map shows provinces, cities, towns, forts, Native American villages, tribal territory, shoals, banks, and other details along the coast of Mexico."

Mexico, or, New Spain in which the motions of Cortes may be traced

Mexico, or, New Spain in which the motions of Cortes may be traced

"Map shows provinces of New Spain, [Baja] California, "New Albion." Includes notes. New Mexico and Louisiana are shown separated by "Great Space of Land unknown." Areas of Native American habitation are noted."

Charte von Nordamerica : nach den neuesten Bestimmungen und Entdeckungen

Charte von Nordamerica : nach den neuesten Bestimmungen und Entdeckungen

"Map shows French Louisiana, the United States toe the Mississippi River, West Indies, British possessions, and Spanish possessions of New Mexico and New Spain; particular detail along the northwest Pacific coast of North America, large portion of western [future United States] is left blank and labeled as "Quivira"; major cities, major roads, and areas of Native American habitation."

The First Map of Texas: A Sketch of Alfonso Álvarez de Pineda's exploration of the Gulf of Mexico, taken from the original in the Archivo de Indias

The First Map of Texas: A Sketch of Alfonso Álvarez de Pineda's exploration of the Gulf of Mexico, taken from the original in the Archivo de Indias

"Map drawn by Pineda while on a royal mission in 1519 to map the unknown shoreline between Florida and Cabo Rojo. Pineda’s map is the first known topographic rendering of the Texas coastline."

A map of early expeditions through the Gonzales County region, 1689-1768

A map of early expeditions through the Gonzales County region, 1689-1768

"Map shows scenes of exploration and Native Americans in early Gonzales County, Texas."


We provide videos for both continuing education and classroom use. Please see each video's descriptive page for related resources and details about accessibility and viewing options.

Preview of the Spanish Colonial Period
5 min. TEKS: 7.17(A) 7.17(B) 7.20(B) 7.20(B)

Preview of the Spanish Colonial Period

In this video, we explore the challenges of what most people consider to be the Spanish Colonial Period in Texas. Students will learn about the struggles and relationships between the Spanish settlers and American Indian tribes from the late 1600s to 1821.

none 717A 717B 720B 720B
Spaniards in Indian Country
25 min.

Spaniards in Indian Country

Spanish exploration in Texas, covering: (1) The World that Silver Made, (2) Presidios and Missions, (3) La Salle and the French Threat.

none none
The (Many) Failures of the Spaniards
52 min.

The (Many) Failures of the Spaniards

Spanish colonization in Texas, covering: (1) First Attempt of Missions, 1690-1693, (2) Second Attempt, 1716-1722, (3) Life on the Spanish Frontier, (4) Arrival of the Comanche, (5) Texas by 1800.

none none
Collapse of Spain in Texas (Part 1)
55 min.

Collapse of Spain in Texas (Part 1)

The end of Spanish colonization and rule in Texas, covering: (1) Texas by 1800; (2) Major Problems for Spain in Texas: [a] Louisiana Purchase, 1803, [b] Mexican War for Independence, 1810-1820.

none none
Collapse of Spain in Texas (Part 2)
54 min.

Collapse of Spain in Texas (Part 2)

The end of Spanish colonization and rule in Texas (continued from part 1), covering: (2) Major Problems for Spain in Texas: [c] Increased Indian Raids 1814-1820, [d] Invading Americans, 1819-1820; (3) Mexico’s Dilemma of Independence.

none none

More Resources

The following list of resources provide additional information to help you dive deeper into the context of the unit. Books are linked to OCLC WorldCat, allowing you find a copy in your nearest local library or to make a request for it using interlibrary loan.

  • General

  • website Results for Spanish Texas, 1690-1821 in The Portal to Texas History

    Digital copies of primary sources and other documents from our about this time period contributed to The Portal to Texas History by institutional partners from across the State.