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Students will understand how individuals, events, and issues related to the Texas Revolution shaped the history of Texas, through analysis of letters, journals, and personal accounts from the Alamo.
Essential Question
- How did conflicts and instability within Mexico’s government lead to a revolt among the Texas colonists?
Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan
Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan.
Student Activities
Hook Exercise
In this printable hook exercise, students will write a letter to a family member requesting help achieving a goal outlined in the scenario. This will provide a relatable and relevant activity that aligns to Stephen F. Austin’s letter to his sister.
This ready to use classroom presentation contains the hook exercise (above), essential questions, connections from the Mexican National era, three primary source documents with guided questions to promote discussion among scholars, and an exit ticket.
The Constitution of 1824 vs. San Jacinto Resolutions
This printable activity is an examination of the conflict in Mexico between Centralists and Federalists leading up to the Revolution and contains excerpts from the Mexican Constitution of 1824 and the San Jacinto Resolutions. Students will analyze excerpts from both documents.
Taking up Arms
This printable activity contains the full version of the “Texas Declaration of Causes for Taking Up Arms Against Santa Anna.” Students will analyze the claims against Mexico and form opinions based on the primary sources and the document analysis questions.
Letter from Stephen F. Austin to Mary Austin Holley
Stephen F. Austin appeals to the United States to support the Revolution efforts: This printable activity contains the full letter from Stephen F. Austin to Mary Austin Holley, dated January 7, 1836. Students will analyze the conditions of the Texian volunteers and form an opinion about the outcome of the Revolution.
Exit Ticket
This printable exit ticket uses an opinion-based question to gauge understanding of the Texian army readiness before the Revolution.
Herramientas para Maestros
Lesson Plan
Versiones descargables / editables de esta página.
Actividades de aprendizaje para estudiantes
Ejercicio de gancho
En este ejercicio de gancho imprimible, los estudiantes escribirán una carta a un miembro de la familia solicitando ayuda para lograr una meta descrita en el escenario. Esto proporcionará una actividad relacionada y relevante que se alinea con la carta de Stephen F. Austin a su hermana.
Presentación de diapositivas presentación
Esta presentación en el aula lista para usar contiene el ejercicio de gancho, esencial preguntas, conexiones desde el Nacional Mexicano era, tres documentos de fuente primaria con guía preguntas para promover la discusión entre los académicos, y un boleto de salida.
La Constitución de 1824 vs. las Resoluciones de San Jacinto
Esta actividad imprimible es un examen del conflicto en México entre Centralistas y Federalistas que condujo a la Revolución y contiene extractos de la Constitución Mexicana de 1824 y las Resoluciones de San Jacinto. Los estudiantes analizarán extractos de ambos documentos.
Tomando las armas
Esta actividad imprimible contiene la versión completa de la “Declaración de causas de Texas para tomar las armas contra Santa Anna”. Los estudiantes analizarán los reclamos contra México y formarán opiniones basadas en las fuentes primarias y las preguntas de análisis de documentos.
Una carta a su hermana
Stephen F. Austin apela a los Estados Unidos para que apoyen los esfuerzos de la Revolución: Esta actividad imprimible contiene la carta completa de Stephen F. Austin a Mary Austin Holley, fechada el 7 de enero de 1836. Los estudiantes analizarán las condiciones de los voluntarios de Texas y formarán una opinión sobre el resultado de la revolución.
Boleto de salida
Este boleto de salida imprimible utiliza una pregunta basada en la opinión para medir la comprensión de la preparación del ejército de Texas antes de la Revolución.
Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan
Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan.
Student Activities
Hook Exercise
In this printable hook exercise, students will write a letter to a family member requesting help achieving a goal outlined in the scenario. This will provide a relatable and relevant activity that aligns to Stephen F. Austin’s letter to his sister.
This ready to use classroom presentation contains the hook exercise (above), essential questions, connections from the Mexican National era, three primary source documents with guided questions to promote discussion among scholars, and an exit ticket.
The Constitution of 1824 vs. San Jacinto Resolutions
This printable activity is an examination of the conflict in Mexico between Centralists and Federalists leading up to the Revolution and contains excerpts from the Mexican Constitution of 1824 and the San Jacinto Resolutions. Students will analyze excerpts from both documents.
Taking up Arms
This printable activity contains the full version of the “Texas Declaration of Causes for Taking Up Arms Against Santa Anna.” Students will analyze the claims against Mexico and form opinions based on the primary sources and the document analysis questions.
Letter from Stephen F. Austin to Mary Austin Holley
Stephen F. Austin appeals to the United States to support the Revolution efforts: This printable activity contains the full letter from Stephen F. Austin to Mary Austin Holley, dated January 7, 1836. Students will analyze the conditions of the Texian volunteers and form an opinion about the outcome of the Revolution.
Exit Ticket
This printable exit ticket uses an opinion-based question to gauge understanding of the Texian army readiness before the Revolution.
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