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Use primary source documents to explore perspectives about African American experiences in the Texas Revolution.
Essential Questions
- How did African Americans influence the events of the Texas Revolution?
Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan
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Student Learning Activities
The Expansion and Fight to Maintain Slavery in Texas
Examination of the place of slavery in Texas leading up to the Revolution. This activity explores Anglo perspectives about the Texas Revolution and the institution of slavery.
The Story of Joe
An examination of the status of slavery during the revolution and what it meant for people like Joe, resulting in Joe running away in 1837.
The Story of Emily West
The story of Emily West’s journey from New York to Texas as a free African-American, serves as a window into that small community in Texas at the time of the Revolution.
Use documentos de fuentes primarias para explorar perspectivas sobre las experiencias afroamericanas en la Revolución de Texas.
- ¿Cómo influyeron los afroamericanos en los acontecimientos de la Revolución de Texas?
Herramientas para Maestros
Lesson Plan
Versiones descargables / editables de esta página.
Actividades de aprendizaje para estudiantes
La expansión de la esclavitud y la lucha para mantenerla en Texas
Un análisis del papel de la esclavitud en Texas en los años que condujeron a la Revolución. Esta actividad explora la perspectiva de los angloamericanos sobre la Revolución de Texas y la institución de la esclavitud.
La historia de Joe
Un análisis del estatus de la esclavitud durante la Revolución y cómo la experimentaba personas como Joe, resultando en su fuga en 1837.
La historia de Emily West
La historia del viaje de Emily West desde Nueva York a Texas como una afroamericana libre nos da una perspectiva sobre esa pequeña comunidad en Texas durante la época de la Revolución.
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Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan
Downloadable/Editable versions of this lesson plan.
Student Learning Activities
The Expansion and Fight to Maintain Slavery in Texas
Examination of the place of slavery in Texas leading up to the Revolution. This activity explores Anglo perspectives about the Texas Revolution and the institution of slavery.
The Story of Joe
An examination of the status of slavery during the revolution and what it meant for people like Joe, resulting in Joe running away in 1837.
The Story of Emily West
The story of Emily West’s journey from New York to Texas as a free African-American, serves as a window into that small community in Texas at the time of the Revolution.
Primary Sources
Advertisement placed by John R. Jones, “Fifty Dollars,” regarding Joe’s disappearance.
Description of the laws regarding slavery in Texas from the Texas Slavery Project.
Referenced Primary Sources
Telegraph and Texas Register newspaper prints notice of reward for the runaway slave, Joe.
Telegraph and Texas Register (a newspaper in San Felipe, Texas) prints a notice of reward for the runaway slave, Joe, who was the only known male survivor of the battle of the Alamo.
Referenced Video
Who was Joe?
Dr. Andrew Torget discusses Joe, the enslaved man owned by William Barret Travis during the Texas Revolution, and how Joe’s story reminds us that the revolution did not bring freedom for everyone.
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