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Students will examine the roles played by the people involved in the Texas Revolution, such as Susanna Dickinson, Dilue Rose Harris, and Angelina Peyton Eberly.
Essential Questions
- How did women influence the events of the Texas Revolution?
Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan
Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan.
Student Learning Activities
Hook Exercise
Students are provided with an engaging modern-day scenario and analysis questions that align with Susanna’s trek from the Alamo back to Gonzales to deliver the news to General Houston that the Alamo had fallen.
Background Essay about Susanna Dickinson
This is a brief biography and examination of Susanna’s involvement in the entirety of the Revolution.
Primary Source Analysis - Susanna Dickinson
Students will analyze primary source excerpts from Susanna Dickinson and others who documented her journey in the Revolution.
Exit Ticket - Susanna Dickenson
Students will use critical thinking skills to reflect on the process of primary source documentation.
The Runaway Scrape and the Aftermath
An examination of women’s influence in the war effort and the physical and emotional toll the events and aftermath of the Runaway Scrape took on families and particularly women.
Primary Source Analysis - The Reminiscences of Mrs. Dilue (Rose) Harris, Part 1
An examination of the conditions in Texas during the Runaway Scrape during the Texas Revolution from the perspective of an eleven-year-old girl who endured many hardships.
Primary Source Analysis - The Reminiscences of Mrs. Dilue (Rose) Harris, Part 2
An examination of the conditions in Texas during and after the Battle of San Jacinto from the perspective of an eleven-year-old.
Exit Ticket - Dilue Rose Harris
Students will use critical thinking skills to create a Twitter post and hashtag by Dilue Rose summarizing her experience in the final battles and immediate aftermath of the Texas Revolution.
Primary Sources
Herramientas para Maestros
Lesson Plan
Versiones descargables / editables de esta página.
Actividades de aprendizaje para estudiantes
Ejercicio de gancho
A los estudiantes se les proporciona un escenario moderno atractivo y preguntas de análisis que se alinean con el viaje de Susanna desde el Álamo de regreso a Gonzales para darle la noticia al General Houston de que el Álamo había caído.
Susanna Dickinson: Ensayo de antecedentes
Esta es una breve biografía y examen de la participación de Susanna en la totalidad de la Revolución.
Análisis de fuentes primarias - Susanna Dickinson
Los estudiantes analizarán extractos de fuentes primarias de Susanna Dickinson y otros que documentaron su viaje en la Revolución.
Boleto de salida: Susanna Dickenson
Los estudiantes utilizarán habilidades de pensamiento crítico para reflexionar sobre el proceso de documentación de fuentes primarias.
El Runaway Scrape y sus secuelas
Un examen de la influencia de las mujeres en el esfuerzo de guerra y el costo físico y emocional que los eventos y las secuelas de Runaway Scrape tuvieron en las familias y particularmente en las mujeres.
Los recuerdos de la Sra. Dilue (Rose) Harris, parte 1
Un examen de las condiciones en Texas durante el Runaway Scrape durante la Revolución de Texas desde la perspectiva de una niña de once años que soportó muchas dificultades.
Los recuerdos de la Sra. Dilue (Rose) Harris, parte 2
Un examen de las condiciones en Texas durante y después de la Batalla de San Jacinto desde la perspectiva de una niña de once años.
Boleto de salida - Dilue Rose Harris
Los estudiantes usarán habilidades de pensamiento crítico para crear una publicación en Twitter y un hashtag de Dilue Rose que resuma su experiencia en las batallas finales e inmediatamente después de la Revolución de Texas.
Students will examine the roles played by the people involved in the Texas Revolution, such as Susanna Dickinson, Dilue Rose Harris, and Angelina Peyton Eberly.
Essential Questions
- How did women influence the events of the Texas Revolution?
Teacher Tools
Lesson Plan
Downloadable/editable versions of this lesson plan.
Student Learning Activities
Hook Exercise
Students are provided with an engaging modern-day scenario and analysis questions that align with Susanna’s trek from the Alamo back to Gonzales to deliver the news to General Houston that the Alamo had fallen.
Background Essay about Susanna Dickinson
This is a brief biography and examination of Susanna’s involvement in the entirety of the Revolution.
Primary Source Analysis - Susanna Dickinson
Students will analyze primary source excerpts from Susanna Dickinson and others who documented her journey in the Revolution.
Exit Ticket - Susanna Dickenson
Students will use critical thinking skills to reflect on the process of primary source documentation.
The Runaway Scrape and the Aftermath
An examination of women’s influence in the war effort and the physical and emotional toll the events and aftermath of the Runaway Scrape took on families and particularly women.
Primary Source Analysis - Dilue Rose Harris
An examination of the conditions in Texas during the final battles of the Texas Revolution from the perspective of an eleven-year-old girl who endured many hardships.
Exit Ticket - Dilue Rose Harris
Students will use critical thinking skills to create a Twitter post and hashtag by Dilue Rose summarizing her experience in the final battles and immediate aftermath of the Texas Revolution.
Referenced Video
Who was Susanna Dickinson?
Dr. Andrew Torget discusses Susanna Dickinson, who survived the Alamo siege and relayed a message to General Sam Houston, and the enormous sacrifices she paid during the Texas Revolution.
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