7.01(b) §7.1(B) Social Studies
Materials related to Section 7.1(B) of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills TAC §113.19(b)(1)(B).
7.1 History. The student understands traditional historical points of reference in Texas history. The student is expected to:
7.1(B) explain the significance of the following dates: 1519, mapping of the Texas coast and first mainland Spanish settlement; 1718, founding of San Antonio; 1821, independence from Spain; 1836, Texas independence; 1845, annexation; 1861, Civil War begins; 1876, adoption of current state constitution; and 1901, discovery of oil at Spindletop.
Age of Contact: Bingo Review Game
45-60 min.
Age of Contact: Mind Mapping Review Lesson
45-60 min.
Age of Contact: Study Guide
45-50 min.
Age of Contact: The Search for Gold
45-60 min.
Age of Contact: What's the Story?
135 min.