7.22 Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to:
7.22(B) use effective written communication skills, including proper citations and avoiding plagiarism; and

Age of Contact: Bingo Review Game
45-60 min.

Age of Contact: The Big Picture
45-60 min.

Age of Contact: Vocabulary
90-120 min.

Age of Contact: What's the Story?
135 min.

Natural Texas & Its People: Looking Ahead
45-60 min.

Natural Texas & Its People: Texas Today
45-60 min.

Natural Texas & Its People: Vocabulary
90-110 min.

Spanish Colonial: Texas Missions
135-180 min.

Spanish Colonial: Texas Today
45 min.

Spanish Colonial: The Big Picture
45-90 min.

Spanish Colonial: Vocabulary
90-120 min.