7.20 Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired through established research methodologies from a variety of valid sources, including technology. The student is expected to:
7.20(B) analyze information by applying absolute and relative chronology through sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions;

Age of Contact: Bingo Review Game
45-60 min.

Age of Contact: How do we know what we know?
45-60 min.

Age of Contact: Looking Ahead
45-60 min.

Age of Contact: Mind Mapping Review Lesson
45-60 min.

Age of Contact: Study Guide
45-50 min.

Age of Contact: Texas Today
45-60 min.

Age of Contact: The Big Picture
45-60 min.

Age of Contact: Vocabulary
90-120 min.

Age of Contact: What's the Story?
135 min.

Barbara Jordan Extension Lesson
60 min.

Battles of the Texas Revolution
90 min.

Mexican National Period: The Big Picture
45-60 min.

Natural Texas & Its People: Looking Ahead
45-60 min.

Natural Texas & Its People: Study Guide
45-60 min.

Natural Texas & Its People: Texas Regions
90-110 min.

Natural Texas & Its People: Texas Today
45-60 min.

Spanish Colonial: Looking Ahead
45-60 min.

Spanish Colonial: Review Bingo Game
45-60 min.

Spanish Colonial: Review Mind Map
45-60 min.

Spanish Colonial: Study Guide Review
45-60 min.

Spanish Colonial: Texas Missions
135-180 min.

Spanish Colonial: Texas Today
45 min.

Spanish Colonial: The Big Picture
45-90 min.

Spanish Colonial: Vocabulary
90-120 min.

Spanish Colonial: What’s the Story?
45-60 min.

The Road to the Texas Revolution
180 min.

Voices: Tejanos in the Texas Revolution
30-60 min.

Voices: Women in the Texas Revolution
60-90 min.